Therefore, if human souls were multiplied according to the number of bodies, it follows that the bodies being removed, the number of souls would not remain; but from all the souls there would be but a single remainder. Objection 3. Thus through the intelligible species the possible intellect is linked to the body of this or that particular man. And as life appears through various operations in different degrees of living things, that whereby we primarily perform each of all these vital actions is the soul. But "rational," which is the difference constituting man, is taken from the intellectual soul; while he is called "animal" by reason of his having a body animated by a sensitive soul. Reply to Objection 1. Now it is clear that common nature becomes distinct and multiplied by reason of the individuating principles which come from the matter. Hence it remains that Christ's body is not in this sacrament as in a place, but after the manner of substance, that is to say, in that way in which substance is contained by dimensions; because the substance of Christ's body succeeds the substance of bread in this sacrament: hence as the substance of bread was not locally under its dimensions, but after the manner of substance, so neither is the substance of Christ's body. . Nor is there any deception there, as occurs in the feats of magicians, because such species is divinely formed in the eye in order to represent some truth, namely, for the purpose of showing that Christ's body is truly under this sacrament; just as Christ without deception appeared to the disciples who were going to Emmaus. This is, however, absurd for many reasons. If nothing, then, be contained under one species, but what is contained under the other, and if the whole Christ be contained under both, it seems that one of them is superfluous in this sacrament. Therefore, the substance of Christ's body will be in this sacrament even outside the species of the bread, which is unreasonable, since the substance of Christ's body is in this sacrament, only by the consecration of the bread, as stated above (Article 2). But if it is a form by virtue of some part of itself, then that part which is the form we call the soul, and that of which it is the form we call the "primary animate," as was said above (I:75:5). Objection 2. But act is in that which it actuates: wherefore the soul must be in the whole body, and in each part thereof. But every body occupying a place is in the place according to the manner of dimensive quantity, namely, inasmuch as it is commensurate with the place according to its dimensive quantity. But this would be impossible if the essence of the sensitive soul were the same as that of the intellectual soul; for an animal is such by its sensitive soul, while a man is a man by the intellectual soul. Therefore, only the flesh and blood of Christ are contained in this sacrament. I answer that, As stated above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 3; Article 3), Christ's body is in this sacrament not after the proper manner of dimensive quantity, but rather after the manner of substance. Of these certain Platonists said that the intellectual soul has an incorruptible body naturally united to it, from which it is never separated, and by means of which it is united to the corruptible body of man. I answer that, As stated above (Article 1), any part of Christ is in this sacrament in two ways: in one way, by the power of the sacrament; in another, from real concomitance. Again, this is clearly impossible, whatever one may hold as to the manner of the union of the intellect to this or that man. Now an action may be attributed to anyone in three ways, as is clear from the Philosopher (Phys. Therefore the other part must be such that it can be moved. Therefore, it is impossible for matter to be apprehended as hot, or as having quantity, before it is actual. And to this mode can be reduced what we say of Christ, being moved accidentally, according to the existence which He has in this sacrament, in which He is not present as in a place. Summa Theologiae FP Q [76] Of The Union Of Body And Soul Summa Theologiae by St. Thomas Aquinas Prologue A [1] A [2] A [3] A [4] A [5] A [6] A [7] A [8] A [1] Whether the intellectual principle is united to the body as its form? However, St. Aquinas provides five ways that prove that God exists and the world belongs to him. The Second Part deals with man in greater depth, and the Third Part discusses Jesus Christ, who serves as mediator between God and man in Christian thought. Therefore Christ's body is not truly there. 2 (Whether angels . Therefore the intellectual soul had to be united to such a body, and not to a simple element, or to a mixed body, in which fire was in excess; because otherwise there could not be an equability of temperament. Reply to Objection 1. It cannot be then that the entire Christ is under every part of the host or of the wine contained in the chalice. We must therefore say either that Socrates understands by virtue of his whole self, as Plato maintained, holding that man is an intellectual soul; or that intelligence is a part of Socrates. viii, 5). Reply to Objection 3. But the second kind of totality, which depends on logical and essential perfection, properly and essentially belongs to forms: and likewise the virtual totality, because a form is the principle of operation. Reply to Objection 3. i, 10), that the forms of the elements remain in the mixed body, not actually but virtually. And in this way, since Christ has unfailing and incorruptible being, He ceases to be under this sacrament, not because He ceases to be, nor yet by local movement of His own, as is clear from what has been said, but only by the fact that the sacramental species cease to exist. Theol.Imprimatur. A proof of which is, that on the withdrawal of the soul, no part of the body retains its proper action; although that which retains its species, retains the action of the species. But substance, as such, is not visible to the bodily eye, nor does it come under any one of the senses, nor under the imagination, but solely under the intellect, whose object is "what a thing is" (De Anima iii). But to be in a place is an accident of a body; hence "where" is numbered among the nine kinds of accidents. This can be clearly seen from comparison with the sensitive faculty, from which Aristotle proceeds to consider things relating to the intellect. Evang. Now it happens that different things, according to different forms, are likened to the same thing. And because it observes that this is something common to man and to other animals, it forms thence the notion of the "genus"; while that wherein the intellectual soul exceeds the sensitive soul, it takes as formal and perfecting; thence it gathers the "difference" of man. Therefore, from the fact that species of the phantasms exist in Objection 2. As the Philosopher says (Phys. But the measure of the bread and wine is much smaller than the measure of Christ's body. It seems, therefore, to follow that there is one intellect in all men. For since a whole consists of parts, a form of the whole which does not give existence to each of the parts of the body, is a form consisting in composition and order, such as the form of a house; and such a form is accidental. How it is caused will be shown later on (I:117:1). Objection 1. Now whatever is received into anything must be received according to the condition of the receiver. Last updated by jill d #170087 5 months ago 1/31/2022 5:23 AM. But since the soul is united to the body as its form, it must necessarily be in the whole body, and in each part thereof. It seems that Christ's body is in this sacrament as in a place. Hence there is no parallel reason, as is evident from what was said above. ii) that "when we are moved, the things within us are moved": and this is true even of the soul's spiritual substance. On the contrary, It is said in the book De Ecclesiasticis Dogmatibus xv: "Nor do we say that there are two souls in one man, as James and other Syrians write; one, animal, by which the body is animated, and which is mingled with the blood; the other, spiritual, which obeys the reason; but we say that it is one and the same soul in man, that both gives life to the body by being united to it, and orders itself by its own reasoning. It is against these that Cyril says (Ep. But the intellectual soul is united by its very being to the body as a form; and yet it guides and moves the body by its power and virtue. Now what is added is always more perfect. Reply to Objection 3. Further, wherever Christ's body is, it is there either under its own species, or under those of the sacrament. Thus one part would not depend on another; nor would one part be nobler than another; which is clearly untrue. But the soul is a substantial form; and therefore it must be the form and the act, not only of the whole, but also of each part. 76 - OF THE UNION OF BODY AND SOUL (EIGHT ARTICLES) Hence it is clear that the body of Christ is in this sacrament "by way of substance," and not by way of quantity. Therefore Christ's body is in this sacrament locally. Now mingling does not result from matter alone; for then we should have mere corruption. Nom. Therefore if the form, which is the means of knowledge, is materialthat is, not abstracted from material conditionsits likeness to the nature of a species or genus will be according to the distinction and multiplication of that nature by means of individuating principles; so that knowledge of the nature of a thing in general will be impossible. Objection 3. Therefore the soul should be united to a most subtle body, to fire, for instance, and not to a mixed body, still less to a terrestrial body. But the glorified eye sees Christ always, as He is in His own species, according to Isaiah 33:17: "(His eyes) shall see the king in his beauty." Reply to Objection 3. Further, it was stated above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 1) that all the other parts of the body, such as the bones, nerves, and the like, are comprised under the name of flesh. But Christ's body as it is in this sacrament cannot be seen by any bodily eye. Further, a body of greater quantity cannot be contained under the measure of a lesser. This is heretical; for it would do away with the distinction of rewards and punishments. Nor does it matter that sometimes Christ's entire body is not seen there, but part of His flesh, or else that it is not seen in youthful guise, but in the semblance of a child, because it lies within the power of a glorified body for it to be seen by a non-glorified eye either entirely or in part, and under its own semblance or in strange guise, as will be said later (Supplement:85:2-3). 1.1 Introduction. But various bodies cannot be in the same place. Objection 4. Reply to Objection 2. It seems, then, that straightway on the morrow, or after a short time, He ceases to be under this sacrament. But if anyone says that the intellectual soul is not the form of the body he must first explain how it is that this action of understanding is the action of this particular man; for each one is conscious that it is himself who understands. ", I answer that, Plato held that there were several souls in one body, distinct even as to organs, to which souls he referred the different vital actions, saying that the nutritive power is in the liver, the concupiscible in the heart, and the power of knowledge in the brain. Entdecke Aquinas' Summa Theologica (SCM kurz) - Taschenbuch NEU Daniel, David M 28. Entdecke Aquinas ""Summa Theologica II"" (SCM kurz), David Mills Daniel, gebraucht; gutes Buch in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Q.76: The Union of the Soul with the Body: Q. vii, 2), that the genus is taken from the matter, and difference from the form. Summa theologiae, also spelled Summa theologica, also called the Summa, in Roman Catholicism, a systematic compendium of theology written by Thomas Aquinas between about 1265 and 1273. Reply to Objection 3. Further, since the form is the principle of the species, one form cannot produce a variety of species. He proves this from the fact that "man and the sun generate man from matter." But dispositions to a form are accidents. Reply to Objection 1. Hence in no way is Christ's body locally in this sacrament. Now all the other senses are based on the sense of touch. Now in one intellect, from different phantasms of the same species, only one intelligible species is abstracted; as appears in one man, in whom there may be different phantasms of a stone; yet from all of them only one intelligible species of a stone is abstracted; by which the intellect of that one man, by one operation, understands the nature of a stone, notwithstanding the diversity of phantasms. But this could not be so, if Christ were entire under every part of the species; for every part would have to be under every other part, and so where one part would be, there another part would be. Some, however, tried to maintain that the intellect is united to the body as its motor; and hence that the intellect and body form one thing so that the act of the intellect could be attributed to the whole. Therefore the body to which the intellectual soul is united should be a mixed body, above others reduced to the most equable complexion. We must therefore conclude that in man the sensitive soul, the intellectual soul, and the nutritive soul are numerically one soul. For this reason Aristotle, Metaph. But with regard to the intellectual part, he seems to leave it in doubt whether it be "only logically" distinct from the other parts of the soul, "or also locally.". ii, 3) that the embryo is an animal before it is a man. But since "Christ rising from the dead dieth now no more" (Romans 6:9), His soul is always really united with His body. x (Did. And thus it is clear that as the dimensions remain, which are the foundation of the other accidents, as we shall see later on (III:77:2, the body of Christ truly remains in this sacrament. 51 Art. For the proper qualities of the elements remain, though modified; and in them is the power of the elementary forms. But there are many other parts of Christ's body, for instance, the nerves, bones, and such like. Therefore we must presuppose accidents to be in matter before the substantial form; and therefore before the soul, since the soul is a substantial form. And the first instrument of the motive power is a kind of spirit, as the Philosopher says in De causa motus animalium (De mot. Therefore, as a surface which is of a pentagonal shape, is not tetragonal by one shape, and pentagonal by anothersince a tetragonal shape would be superfluous as contained in the pentagonalso neither is Socrates a man by one soul, and animal by another; but by one and the same soul he is both animal and man. viii (Did. But the human soul is an immaterial substance; since it is not composed of matter and form as was shown above (I:75:5). But primary matter cannot be moved (Phys. But that which appears under the likeness of flesh in this sacrament, continues for a long time; indeed, one reads of its being sometimes enclosed, and, by order of many bishops, preserved in a pyx, which it would be wicked to think of Christ under His proper semblance. Objection 1. Therefore there is but one intellect in all men. Objection 2. Now an animal is so called from its having a sensitive soul; and, therefore, "animal" will not be one genus common to man and other animals, which is absurd. Yet it is the stone which is understood, not the likeness of the stone; except by a reflection of the intellect on itself: otherwise, the objects of sciences would not be things, but only intelligible species. and F. Leo Moore, O.P., S.T.L.Imprimatur. Therefore the breath, which is a subtle body, is the means of union between soul and body. In the first place, an animal would not be absolutely one, in which there were several souls. Therefore in man the intellectual soul is not essentially the same as the sensitive soul, but presupposes it as a material subject. But the shape is united to the wax without a body intervening. But, according to the opinion of Plato, the thing understood exists outside the soul in the same condition as those under which it is understood; for he supposed that the natures of things exist separate from matter. The principal work of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Summa Theologica is divided into three parts and is designed to instruct both beginners and experts in all matters of Christian Truth. Now the substantial form perfects not only the whole, but each part of the whole. Now the form, through itself, makes a thing to be actual since it is itself essentially an act; nor does it give existence by means of something else. 1 - The Nature and Extent of Sacred Doctrine (Ten Articles) Treatise on The One God (QQ [2-26]) Treatise on The One God (QQ [2-26]) Question. Therefore if the intellect and Socrates are united in the above manner, the action of the intellect cannot be attributed to Socrates. Reply to Objection 1. But the angels see the body of Christ as it is in this sacrament, for even the devils are found to pay reverence thereto, and to fear it. Objection 1. Canonicus Surmont, Vicarius Generalis. Whence we must conclude, that there is no other substantial form in man besides the intellectual soul; and that the soul, as it virtually contains the sensitive and nutritive souls, so does it virtually contain all inferior forms, and itself alone does whatever the imperfect forms do in other things. On the contrary, The gloss on 1 Corinthians 11:25, commenting on the word "Chalice," says that "under each species," namely, of the bread and wine, "the same is received"; and thus it seems that Christ is entire under each species. ix, 10). Reply to Objection 5. For our eyes are hindered from beholding Christ's body in this sacrament, on account of the sacramental species veiling it. Therefore the intellect is not united to the body as its form. For it is manifest that, supposing there is one principal agent, and two instruments, we can say that there is one agent absolutely, but several actions; as when one man touches several things with his two hands, there will be one who touches, but two contacts. Therefore, the glorified eye can see Christ's body as it is in this sacrament. But the sensitive soul in the horse, the lion, and other brute animals, is corruptible. But with things which can of themselves be in a place, like bodies, it is otherwise than with things which cannot of themselves be in a place, such as forms and spiritual substances. For every form exists in its proper disposed matter. Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae: A Guide and Commentary Brian Davies, Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologiae: A Guide and Commentary, Oxford University Press, 2014, 454pp., $29.99 (pbk), ISBN 9780199380633. The same is to be said of totality of power: since the whiteness which is in the whole surface moves the sight more than the whiteness which is in a small part thereof. Therefore it is not movably in this sacrament. Further, what is spiritual is connected with what is corporeal by virtual contact. But it is the act of an organic body. The soul does not move the body by its essence, as the form of the body, but by the motive power, the act of which presupposes the body to be already actualized by the soul: so that the soul by its motive power is the part which moves; and the animate body is the part moved. POWER: The power of God (25), the principle of the divine operation as proceeding to the exterior effect. Is clear that common nature becomes distinct and multiplied by reason of the individuating principles which come from matter. Proper qualities of the individuating principles which come from the Philosopher ( Phys, in which there several... 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