I had 20/40 and could still pass drivers license. I wanted the new Restor multi focal he said they were crap and did this to me now night vision is bad the one they set closer blurs the one thats set far. Wish I knew someone that could help me! The doctor's office even tried to say I had a pre -existing condition of dry eyes. It was OK to see far for just a bit could not read at all but then I ended up losing eye sight completely one day when I woke up to nothing but fog. I did not hear those statistics before the surgery. I have an excess of floaters that also block my vision now. After he put wrong lens in he did PRK and screwed that up. That would not have been possible if I had dry eyes. I was promised that the lens would self adjust so I can see near and far. oh if anyone has restor please let me know how you like them! My right eye is blurry & night driving is not good. My eye muscles have never worked well on their own. My vision wasn't all that bad. I'm so disappointed. I went for second opinion, another 500.00 and all these frigging opthomologist stick together and say it's dry eye syndrome. Of course they cost $600. ( Id.) WebHernia Mesh Lawsuits Attorneys working with ClassAction.org are currently speaking with patients who experienced complications following hernia mesh surgery, including severe pain, dangerous infections and other serious problems that led to second surgeries to remove or replace the mesh. Due to problems I was kept going to Dr. Office ,Dr. Said he needs to do mini laser correction right after hah two, left eye had one surgeries and was told to go back to Dr. Office with in a year unless I have problems worsen. In other words, his work was done. I have had 3 years of frustration. Also, the advent of accommodative IOLs, mainly the Crystalens in the United States, introduced yet another possible scenario for explantation. I am so miserable to be suddenly almost blind. Cross or cockeyed, which I had trouble with my eye pulling outward my whole life, isn't a good candidate (since the muscle tends to weaken as you age, and the muscle is what your lens adheres to to make then lens work properly). The goal for the whole operation was to fly IFR in my plane without flipping glasses up and down trying to read the instruments on the dashboard of the plane not even close! Everyone said it was not the lenses because they had never seen lenses cause this type of problem. I will not go back to Dr. * in Charlotte! This company cannot continue to sell defective products and ignore the law. I mean $11, 000. It can be challenging a come with a lot of head aches. Then I went to another opthalmologist who said he did not use the Bosch & Lomb lens. If I receive 20 + email addresses I will contact the group for the next step. About 3 years ago at my eye exam at t CostCo I was told I developing a cataract. Trust me, I went to a Prominent, decorated experienced surgeon. I had previously bought reading glasses from the same location that I had the surgical procedure. I feel like I was cheated and ripped off by a quack of a doctor, he had total disregard for end resultsseems like that the fad with them when it turns out badthey won't take responsibility..Anyone else on the class action lawsuit? I paid $10, 000 above insurance for these premium lens. I questioned the doctor quite extensively as to the lens as had a sister who's doctor strongly discouraged her on getting them. Since then, I have had two Vitrectomies which did help with the "jelly" in the eyes. I live in California Eagle Eye Consultants Inc My right eye was extremely cloudy and had black floaters. I have to spend a fortune on prescription pressure drops prescribed by a retinal Dr as well as dry eye drops. Went back after 14months (I was afraid I to go sooner I thought had done something so I kept the issue secret, longer than I should have. I went to the supposedly best eye institute in Florida, and I have been screwed!!! Couldn't believe how well they worked. islamic storeonline ;. One of the worst decisions in my life. Using both eyes makes me dizzy! Like everyone else, the hype of not having to wear glasses for anything is what sold me. So instead of FREE MEDICARE Lenses--I learned that for $3,400 PER LENS I would have miraculous sight with these "Inter-occual" Lenses. I do see halos and feel like I have I contact lenses on. I went in and had yag done on both eyes another $2000.00. Best advice; know your risk and really do your homework. We should start a club and document everything and take the maker of the crystalens and some of these doctors who tell you this is the best thing yet and then double talk you when your are having a problem, How about it people, let's get together. One question was "If you had to wear glasses would you rather have to wear glasses for distance or for close-up?" Went with Crystalens AT-50AO with advise of Dr., as this would be best for my eyes, with the conditions he diagnosed, glaucoma, blephrospasm and chronic dry eye. I got mono vision(recommended by doctor) and it sucks just as bad as what you all are saying. Her new doc thinks the crystalens should be removed as it does not perform as it claims and is no better than any other lens. I'm very sensitive to light, glare for night driving is still present and left vision is 20/50. I could have gone to court and start a trial. There should be a law against these optometristsmy dr. practice got a legal warning and fined for making promises and statements referring the Crystalens implant that are just not trueit's all about the money isnt it. My life hasn't been the same since. At first computer distance was perfect and near vision was acceptable but far was still myopic. I did use contact lenses for about 35 years and was able to see better until I have cataract. I couldn't with those reading glasses. I did not even know there were more letters on the right. What the hell does that mean anyway? I have also lost my near vision, I went from being able to read my computer on the 1st week of surgery to having to wear cheaters at 1.0 and now 2.0. !Dr.won't admit any wrong doing, s my left eye since day one after surgery has had discomfort, like an eyelash or bad contact lens is in my eye 99 percent of the time..Don't pass out but I got screwed for $12, 000!! He sent me to Dr. Davidson and he said the university never puts those in because of the Z factor (which I guess is the tilting of the lens). I had the procedure by a renowned eye specialist doctor ******** ************ of Randolph Rd. Gradually, what little intermediate vision I had is fading as is depth perception. I have been unable to get a working prescription since the surgery because the lens will not hold position so my vision varies multiple times during an exam. Thanks a lot! I just heard Dr. Santamaria of New Jersey speak positively of the Crystalens. My near sight is very good. At the same time, my distance vision became worse. For me, it did not work. The rings come away from the light what looks to be 6 feet in circumference. I have NO DISTANCE in my Crystalens left eye and I paid $3,400 for this--WARNING--DO NOT GET SOLD on this Crystalens! WebJanssen Pharmaceuticals is facing lawsuits over the link between Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium), a drug used to treat Interstitial Cystitis (also known as Painful Our feeling all along has been that either the lenses or the eye drops caused neurological problems. Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. If we try to do alone it is hard to prove. There should be a class action lawsuit against the Crystal lens company, they need to be held accountable. The plaintiffs also alleged that asymmetric vaulting, known as Z-Syndrome, is a post-operative complication unique to the Trulign and Crystalens lenses, that the 3rd time isn't likely to be any better? I really thought it was the way to go after cataract surgery at 59, never having to wear glasses again. Did you get message just now re: the fact that I learned of recall and class action. Sheila. I tried my best to fight the doctor, res hospital, crystalens company and like all us peeons i lost. Doctor has told me the Lasik procedure I am scheduled for in 6 more weeks will correct my problems but I have my doubts. I had Crystal lens put in both eyes in 2014 by a Doctor who was an expert in his field. Needless to say, I am very sorry that I paid $4700 for the Crystalens lenses. I am still paying for the lens! My intermediate vision now requires me to wear glasses for computer workbefore I did not need glasses to see a monitor. The touch up as I later learned from another doctor only helps with distance. Webclass action law suit noun derivative action, directors and officers liability, group lawsuit, group litigation, law suit by large numbers of litigants with a common grievance, suit by 1-800-332-1088. I think everyone who has had a problem with the crystalen should band together, there is strength in numbers, and we have better results if there are a lot of people complaining. : P030002. After much stress in the decision process, I'm going to ask my surgeon to go ahead and exchange the Crystalens in my left (dominant) In order to do the second surgery I would have to go to a retina specialist! I would be interested in a class action lawsuit against Bausch & LombPissed! I have had 7 surgeries on it now and he does not want to touch it anymore. Ive only had these for seven years and was never told that they could NOT be removed. Save your money. Still, right lens will not accommodate for distance. They regulate contact lenses and need to hear from all of us that have had these faulty lenses. I closed my left eye and saw faint images. My experience with Crystalens is as bad as any of the above complaints. I am getting worried - had the Crystalens for cataract surgery in both eyes. If I knew it would be worse, I wouldn't have got the surgery done in the first place! Great. P. S. Don't buy the iheater either. Through this website this is such a common occurrence, the doctor also rewrote his notes when he I could not see intermediate or distance objects and still can't. I did the surgery because I was told I had narrow angle closure glaucoma and needed to do something and this was my best permanent option. Web6 andentitiesoverwhichitexercisedoperationalcontrol,conductedsugarcanecultivation activities,includingburningofsugarcanefieldsandsugarcanewastematerial,thatdamaged This Dr. Wish I had read all these before I chose these lenses. Three weeks after surgery I was back in his office with complaint of vision worsening. BAD MOVE! I walk out of my house and my truck looks like it has flat tires. I can't see clearly for more than a minute at a time everything is blurry almost all the time. Anyone who knows what to do please guide us. The visions in-between the far and mid, mid and close do not do well! It felt like he pulled out the sliver that was stuck in my eye for several days, which was the pain I was feeling. Also, eye technology is still growing, and a few mishaps may be a required step for research to go forward, and try to develop better products for the far future. Me too. I loved it when I could see good. I had 20/70 vision in one eye so we only did the crystalens in the good eye but the strain of trying to see is making the bad eye worse yet. Implant works for distance, ok midrange, forget close, a mono lense I was told from a second doctor would have worked just as well. Halos and blurriness an night and can't see far read signs etcnot past the front hood of my car. I will not go back to Dr. * in Charlotte! One close, one distance. My vision has become worse, blurry and feels like I have a Vaseline film in my eyes all the time. Some days worse than others and am not able to function normally. I would be willing to go through all again forever just to get the************** out of my eye's. When I drive at night the halos are worse then when I had cataracts! I was told by my Doctors partner Doctor who did my last check up that the lens was a total failure and does not work as advertised, she was the only honest Doctor in the place! Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. They did not fit well, did not maintain their shape and were always falling off my nose. examination. What a waste! He said my cornea was rigid, smaller than the crystalens and I have dry eyes that's why I have problem with the crystalens. Left eye first, right second. Plaintiff Michajlun had cataract surgery on April 10, 2012, and had a I use special drops all day long. I would not be able to drive with my new lens--without my Right Eye--whick the doctor told me was worse in vision than my Left eye--I cannot believe how stupid I was to do this. In fact, she said, my dad is getting his done next week. Sorry not sorry for saying this. No waist your money or chance of complications on this procedure. how many times is this goign to happen Is it just Bausch and Lomb? My decreased peripheal vision is quite noticeable, also. for the crystal lens because I was promised it would accommodate both near and far vision. They were fixable but I had had it so I returned them to the office that had provided them. I too am at my wits end, I paid the extra out of pocket for this surgery and I'm very disappointed in the results. Had crystal lens implanted 2012, both eyes. I had to drop out of College due to not being able to read or use a computer as I once did all day long when I worked for the Clerk of Courts. I've had a visceral tear, which I was told is common with Crystalense, and have floaters all the time in one eyes. They made one eye close up and one eye for distance. And I still don't wear them but I feel it is going to happen. I too was sold a pack of lies. It is now three years later and my eye sight has never been worse. Patients will be eligible for a rebate of up to $250 per eye. I've lived with it for 5 years, as I'm horrified worrying about losing even more vision . I am starting to feel that the Crystalens is another way for the Eye Dr. to make big money since they get paid almost nothing from insurance and medicare. of actual lens put in your eye, both left and right. I complained immediately after the first lens was put in and was told you have to have two to be able to tell the difference. My eye's are worse than they were before the ReSTOR procedure! I panics me to think I will have this for life. For more than 15 years we have helped nearly 50000 customers resolve their issues and will never stop striving to ensure further improvements on our platform for a better communication between companies and customers. Xarelto (Rivaroxaban) Drug Side Effects ClassAction Lawsuit. (4) When looking through my eye's I also have faint objects floating across the eyeball like trash or a hair! She suffered with poor vision at all distances and was so light sensitive that she had to sit in a dark room with sunglasses and could not go outside except on very cloudy days.
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