Halfway Point Between Hebron, CT and Zoar, OH. Keep on trying to prove. Mythical approach of explanation in philosophy is called Appeal to Ignorance (Argumentum ad Ignorantum). How did Dominion legally obtain text messages from Fox News hosts? We have now on our right the cliffs of mount Sodom and on our left the scenery of the southern area of the Dead Sea. Then my life Biblical explanations of Sodom and Gomorah is a pure reality and true. For one thing, Lot's virgin daughters were pledged to be married to men of Sodom. It actually reaches from California to New York. ( Ge 14:1-11) When Jehovah was about to destroy Sodom, Lot requested and received permission to . However, the letters preserved on the map, although usually read -ARED are actually -AREA. There is no delta. 26 But Lot's wife looked . distance between Sodom and Zoar, and found it to be five miles. Now that objective is beginning to shift toward a more thoughtful exploration into what actually happened whether it backs up a bible story or offers a better insight into the actual history of the region. Robert A. Mullins is the Professor of archaeology and Old Testament at Azusa Pacific University. It's of no surprise since they're known for wickedness (Ezekiel 16:49). Video lectures from world-renowned experts. were discovered in Science because someone saw that the prevailing theories of Science Valley means that the river Jordan was flowing there Gen. 13:10 BEFORE the LORD destroyed the four cities. Biblical Archa []. Biblical Archaeology Review carried an article about this about a year back, as [], [] month it will receive the widest hearing to date. The destruction date-range of Tall el-Hammam/Sodom confirms this as well. An article explaining why the Genesis lifespans cannot be face value numbers is posted online: https://www.academia.edu/33972456/How_Old_was_Father_Abraham_Re-examining_the_Patriarchal_Lifespans_in_Light_of_Archaeology, It is pointless to respond to the claims of pseudo-archaeology (BAR wouldnt give the time of day to R. Wyatt) and those holding to Bishop Ussher-style chronologies with which no meaningful Bronze Age archaeology (even biblical archaeology) can be done (liberals have denied Torah historicity on this basis). The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? So many things As for the distance from Tall el-Hammam to Zoar at the confluence of the Arnon with the Dead Seait is 27 miles, not over 40 miles as Schlegel states. The community of Zoar was not originally organized as a commune, but its residents had a difficult time surviving in 1818 and early 1819. Yahweh revealed me His Calendar Formula atlast. The mountains, 11KM long and 2KM maximum width, are made of salt mixed with other minerals. But unlike other Canaanite cities that continued to flourish in the Late Bronze Age (1550-1200 B.C.E. I point out: whether historical or not If Tall el-Hammam is Sodom, then Zoar is too far away (~65 miles) for Lot and his daughters to have reached in the amount of time the Bible allots for their journey. Life comes from life, versus spontaneous generation in Pasteurs day paved the way for We are not told upon what occasion he removed; whether terrified by the destruction of Sodom, or, as some of the Jewish writers say, because he was grieved at Lot's incest with his daughters, and the reproach which the Canaanites cast upon him for his kinsman's sake. Indeed, in the time of Moses, even the valley floor northeast of the Dead Sea was called the Plains of Moab! Therefore people like Krissy and Arlan may want to take a look to see if they can dismantle them, seeing as they dont believe Genesis really happened. If the cities of the plain could defeat the invading . It was several miles above the northern end of the Dead Sea, past Jericho. Dr. Collins has never given any official answer to the evidences I present, and that can only mean the arguments are air-tight. Steven Collins is director of the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project and dean of the College of Archaeology and Biblical History at Trinity Southwest University in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he also serves as curator of its ancient Near East collections. In 1973 solid archaeological evidence was found for locating the Cities of the Plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah, . (Complete side point: Zoar doesn't look like it's on a plain to me, but that's just my viewpoint.). Lot hesitated so the angels had to pull Lot and his family out of the city . A myth, according to the dictionary, is a commonly-held but false belief, a common misconception; a fictitious or imaginary person or thing; a popular conception about a real person or event which exaggerates or idealizes reality. Roman Crucifixion Methods Reveal the History of Crucifixion. My thanks to Steve Collins. [] read more, visit: http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/daily/biblical-sites-places/biblical-archaeology-sites/where-is-s and [], Your email address will not be published. The countries of Syria and Philistia, as well as your other neighbors, hate you and make insulting remarks. The site of Tall el-Hammam in my opinion is by far the best candidate for the site of Sodom, destroyed in the Middle Bronze Age on the Kikkar of the Jordan visible from the region of Ai. Emery The Destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho: Geological, Climatological, and Archaeological Background, Oxford: Oxford U. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Note how cleverly this . Many things here seem to fit correctly except for the date.it seems to me that this city was destroyed ( as dated by the researchers) a few centuries AFTER the time of Abraham. Genesis 14:8 The king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (the same is Zoar) went out; and they set the battle in array against them in the valley of Siddim; Genesis 19:22 Hurry, escape there, for I can't do anything until you get there." The Zered River, which drains into the southeastern part of the Dead Sea is depicted and clearly labeled on the Madaba Map. The best location for Zoar is on the southeast side of the Dead Sea. http://blog.bibleplaces.com/2012/01/biblical-problems-with-locating-sodom.html#c5540397197379336674, And lastly, search BiblePlaces.com Blog by Dr. Todd Bolen, keyword: Sodom. Im new to this debate, but has anyone seen the Bunch et al article (2021; doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-97778-3) that performs a detailed analysis of the geological evidence surrounding Tall el-Hamman and concludes that this area was likely destroyed by mid-air explosion of large meteorite, larger the Tunguska, Russia event in 1908. Looking strictly at the available evidence the Patriarchs were clearly MBII figures, and a destruction of Tall el-Hammam (Sodom) in the 1750-1650 BCE range fits perfectly. See also Silva, Phillip J. That the Reuben/Gad tribal allotment stretched from the Kikkar of the Valley of Jericho, City of Palms, as far as Zoar is clearly marking out its south border at the Arnon River/Gorge, the natural and perpetual border between the Transjordan Israelites and Moabites. As for the distance from Tall el-Hammam to Zoar at the confluence of the Arnon with the Dead Seait is 27 miles, not "over 40 miles" as Schlegel states. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? They were situated in the well-watered Jordan . The All-Access membership pass is the way to get to know the Bible through biblical archaeology. Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. 30 And Lot went up out of Zoar, and dwelt in the mountain, and his two daughters with . 8 years of Archaeology Odyssey online, exploring the ancient roots of the Western world in a scholarly and entertaining way, The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land. What is BARs position on the rich deposits of hail-sized sulfur to the west of the Dead Sea? This is my map of the area in Southern Israel where the cities of Sodom, Admah, Gomorrah and Zeboiim were likely to have been situated. 6. Boston, MA: The Talmud Society. There is no culture that used lifespans to calculate a chronology until after 300 BC. In Genesis 18:21 is the LORD's purpose in personally visiting Sodom to see if they will abuse him? We can learn about the society where the ancient Israelites, and later Jesus and the Apostles, lived through the modern discoveries that provide us clues. However, it is the location of Zeboim that we found the most incredible. Others who support Tall el-Hammam include: Attacking a persons character only goes to prove that the content of YOUR argument is weak. If were going to accept radio-carbon dating for our bible manuscripts, and then turn around and reject it when it proves something wrong about the Bibles account, we are deluding ourselves. You can locate specific squares on each map by referring to the coordinates on the top and side of that map. Wiki User. Where Were the Old Testament Kings of Ancient Jerusalem Buried? Zoar was very close to Sodom. Moreover, its not surprising to find out that the earthquakes were severe and that they could have wiped out an entire city the infrastructure of which wasnt up to modern code. Travel with us on our journey into the past in our free eBook Exploring Jordan. Analysis and Interpretation of Scripture 1. Travel with us on our journey into the past in our free eBook Exploring Jordan. Instead its kind of presupposing something that cannot possibly be verified unless there is some kind of written script being discovered at the site that indicates the definite provenance of the dig. Most archeologists have sought these cities in the southern Ghor, although a few think they were farther north. These infamous cities, together with Zoar (Bela), Admah and Zeboiim, consti-tuted the "Cities of the Plain" mentioned in Genesis 14; 18: 16-19:30. I forgot there were 5 cities and not just Sodom and Gomorrah. Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Maybe youll decide to become an atheist in the end. 10 Lot looked around and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt. And it happened that in the days of Amraphel, the king of Shinar, In no way does Abraham belong in the Intermediate Bronze Age or early MB1 as the hackneyed Ussher-style biblical chronologies suggest, at a time when none of the cities mentioned in the Abrahamic narratives existed, including Jerusalem and Dan. That is helpful. Even Bryant Wood places the Patriarchs in the Middle Bronze Age. Dig into the illuminating world of the Bible with a BAS All-Access membership. the earth, when Lot entered into Zoar; and R. Hanina said: I saw the In 19:22, its name is said to have been given because of its littleness, which also seems to have accounted for its being spared. http://blog.bibleplaces.com/2013/02/arguments-against-locating-sodom-at.html, Thank you for reading! Distance Calculations from Zoar in Western Cape. Why/why not? If you are Biblical, and it is in The Holy Bible, then you should know yourself it is historical. Thus, Lot had from dawn to dusk to travel from Sodom (Tall el-Hammam) to Zoar. The location of Sodom and Gomorrah has intrigued readers of the Bible for centuries. I know that others disagree and encourage academic debate, but among Christians there should be a tenor of brotherhood. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. Like what are you going to get out of it?? Of whose Biblical Archaeology Review is the guide on that fascinating journey. refuge in a little city, named Zoar , not very far . Like come on man! "And that the whole land . They knew it was better to intercept their enemy and battle him at a distance rather than fight him on their doorstep. Ive studied this map in detail for many years. Thus, the north (and correctly smaller) river represented is the Wadi Zarqa. 2. We often talk of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, but actually four cities were destroyed that day by God: Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim (Deuteronomy 29:23, Hosea 11:8). Yes, the ashen sites have been found scattered over a distance of 50 or more miles (80+ kilometers). Was it the action of the men of Sodom that precipitated its destruction in Genesis 19? Link here: Sodom and its sister cities are located in the large oval-shaped, fertile plain just north of the Dead Sea called simply ha-kikkar, or the Disk (Genesis 13, verse 13). Such an outstanding and picturesque tongue-like shore would not have been overlooked by the artist-cartographer of that map. They further state that Postures of two cargo vessels portrayed on the Madaba Map imply that the main traffic was between Zoar, port at the southeast corner of the north basin, and the north coast as close as possible to Jericho, the gate to Judea. Ptolemy (v. 17, 5) regards it as belonging to Arabia Petrea. passage [Gen. 19:15]: And as the morning dawn arose, the angels urged It says that all the men of Sodom, young and old, had gathered outside Lot's house. Since Abraham . Read my books on archaeologyArchaeology: What you need to know & The Future of Biblical Archaeology. You can hear what he had to say here: Pt. Press, 1995; pp. Gen. 14.1-2 (LEB). Dr. Craig Olson has written an excellent article Which Site is Sodom addressing the location of Sodom, the long lifespans and the sojourn, I highly recommend it. ?And Samaria. But now Zoar was not far distant from Sodom, when Lot, with his company, got thither before the rising of the sun, Genesis 19:23. This bias flies in the face of the archaeological evidence indicating that no one has ever lived even close to the long lifespans referenced in the Bible. Interestingly enough, it continues to grow taller at a rate . Here is your ticket to join us as we discover more and more about the biblical world and its people. BTW Bolen places the Patriarchs in the Early Bronze Age which few conservative archaeologist do. We also know that the Dead Sea level in the time of Abraham (MB2) was approximately the historic low, as today. Be sure to also read the comment sections. The geographical argument for Tall el-Hammam being Sodom is a lock at every turn. (1918). Mount Sodom is 226 meters above the Dead Sea and 170 meters below sea level, 2-3 kilometers wide and eleven kilometers long. Not helpful is posing a battle between BAR and historical, biblical studies. growing in their fruits, which fruits have a color as if they were fit Below, read Bill Schlegels commentary on the location of Zoar along with Steven Collinss response. When Abraham and the two angels entered the city, the men of Sodom desired to have sex with the two angels (Genesis 19:4-5). Lot was Abraham's nephew. They took them outside the city, a safe distance away, because the Eternal decided to show mercy to Lot and his family. The truth, however, is that they may have disappeared much later than our translations suggest. After his visit to the site in 2014. mountains, because he was afraid to stay in Zoar; and he stayed in Olson 2014, 6), which creates an impossible distance of 27 miles for Lot to travel from Sodom (Tall el-Hammam) to reach Zoar (Arnon River) on the morning of its destruction (Genesis 19:20-23).9 Firstly, a), when an assertion is made that something is NOT true, it is incumbent upon the one asserting that the subject in question is not true to show evidence for that assertion when challenged, and, b) it is patently absurd to claim that one cannot prove a negative. Based on apparently where Abraham and Lot were located as they both viewed the well watered Jordan valley, they would have been viewing the north end of the Dead Sea. Perhaps youll never quite look at things the same way again. There are several major holes in the theory and myth that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality. Lot was living in Sodom. Please, let me flee there. Gen 14:1-4 In c.1833BC, five local kings in the Valley of Siddim (the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea) - Bera of Sodom, Birsha of Gomorrah, Shinab of Admah, Shemeber of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (Zoar) - rebel against their four distant overlords - Amraphel of Shinar (Babylonia), Arioch of Ellasar . I thought it might be helpful for readers ofBiblical Archaeology Reviewto know where to go for another []. it has been proven that Atlas was and is not physically holding the earth in its place and Helios does not transport the sun across the sky by chariot. On the other hand, you may want to do some more reading on Tall El Hammam and other recent digs to see why they do compare very favorably to the biblical account we have.
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