SafeWise reports that fences that intruders would find difficult to climb or break through will offer you the most protection against theft. Can my Neighbour put spikes on my fence? This is not uncommon in suburban areas. Also some cities and/or HOAs have shared responsibilty bylaws for fences regardless of who built it. I own cats btw, I have a toilet area for my cats in my garden- an area of bare earth mixed with gravel which I clean and turn over regularly. Before I could get outside the cat had made such a mess of the bird before leaving it I had the great displeasure of putting the bird out of its suffering. I have found a dead blackbird, a dead chaffinch, two dead fish (I have since netted the pond), dead frogs & numerous dead or dying dormice. Is it legal to put carpet grippers on your fence? Yes as soon as the spikes become a danger then they are basically illegal. Proportionally you risk getting into more bother than an owner would get into for their cat sunbathing on your fence. Lets take a look at some of the important features of a good fence. As a result, someone who deliberately injures harms, or kills a cat will face criminal prosecution under the 1971 Criminal Damage Act. Carpet gripper is not the answer to fence security. But they also found out that most cats have one kill per every 17 hours outside and they only bring home 25% of the animals they kill. Learn more about how to register online. Before attaching spikes to a wall, we would advise you to mention this to your neighbour. However, it might be prudent to politely ask your neighbour to remove them first - doing this may help your relationship with your neighbour. An article from the Texas A&M Agri-Life Extension that reviews the general fence law in Texas and the two major exceptions that modify that rule. Nip it in the bud. If they are happy with having spikes on the boundary wall or fence, then you can go ahead with it. You might even want to consider filming yourself removing them - this way you can prove you took care in doing so (assuming you DO take care) and again, would reduce any risk of being accused of criminal damage. If you are going to fix spikes to your fence, make sure the wall is yours and not shared with your neighbour. 2 What can I put on my fence to stop burglars? It's be a good idea to talk to them first and see what the intentions are and try to work with them on a solution. Otherwise, follow these steps to install your cat spikes. Can l report my neighbor? Neighbours put barbed wire and spikes up in their garden just to keep out our cat! It's even more awkward to approach a troublesome neighbor about a fence. Under BC law, either neighbour can apply to court for a resolution. Spikes are an effective hindrance to both human and animal intruders they make it awfully hard and even impossible to climb over fences. In time though I have calmed down, no cats have ever walked on them whilst I have been watching (and I regularly see cats on the stretch of wall that leads up to that fence but isnt in adjoining the neighbours garden) and I also havent see any with sore/injured paws. Ive just been informed that my neighbour has just put up spikes on my fence without permission and as soon as o get home they will be coming down. Practical, easy-to-understand answers to questions about common legal issues. But every now and then, you'll encounter one who's antagonistic, perhaps to the point of building a "spite fence.". What are you waiting for? They could try again and again before they realize what theyre up against and give up. A neighbour has received backlash after attempting to add spikes on one woman's fence in a bid to keep their rabbits safe, but she did not consult the woman beforehand. Hell, bake a pie and go over to introduce yourself, and ask to talk about the fence. If your fence backs onto a public place, then fix a sign on the outside of your wall disclaiming you have set anti-climbing, cat spikes on them. I'm basically a saint compared to OP's neighbor but for a second I did think about it. Created by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, this book gives landowners a background on how Texas fence laws originated, explains the current laws that landowners should know, and details a few common fence dispute scenarios and solutions. When I finished he yawned, jumped down onto the spikes, walked over it like they werent even there, and jumped over the fence. A 2021 article from local news station KPRC 2 Houston discussing the new security measures law and some of the issues property owners are experiencing with their associations when attempting to install fencing on their property. Understand the specifics of the legislation concerning fence spikes. As David Bowie sang This is not America. They Do), Do Butterflies Like Roses? Other neighbourhood cats also move through all the gardens. I have suggested before that I can buy them a cat repellent device or the crystals if they don't want them in the garden, but they refused. In most cases, you will be required to apply for council permission. State laws on fences and range restrictions. It is illegal for them to make any changes to the wall or fence without your permission, for example, making the fence higher for privacy or painting the wall. Pay cat tax. This publication from the Texas Association of Counties is written in a Q & A style and covers relevant statutes and case law surrounding open and closed range status. What can I put on my fence to stop burglars? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home, Homeowners: Taxes, Improvements, and More, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This can cause conflict, particularly where a fence you built is actually in your neighbours yard. Good result and congrats for getting rid of the dangerous spikes that should never be used because they are harmful, My neighbour has put up these spikes they are definitely not blunt,as you describe. 3 Can my Neighbour put spikes on my fence? I once spent an entire day of my life covering my shed roof in these plastic spikes to discourage my own cats from using it as a stepping stone to go over a fence into a neighbours garden. When installing cat spikes, you must comply with the law by erecting a sign warning people that the fences top is spiked. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. S4U is currently supplying the best cat spikes, they are safe and approved. Chapter 15 of this book discusses neighborly problems. So youre hating on something for acting according to its nature, not out of malice or evil and yet you say you would deliberately run it over? The fence is only 46 tall. The 45mm nails have been driven into the top of the wooden garden gate adjoining the property of a neighbour who owns cats. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. Not sharp enough to pierce or damage paws. People who harm children or animals are the worst kind of people. We owned the fence, so it was okay. Start with a friendly conversation. Pestbye Review Of The Advanced Sonic Cat Scarer! It makes perfect sense because it shows that youre not trying to injure anyone, youre just trying to stop them from climbing your fence. Not only because I don't really want to see what happens if my cat decides to run out and leap up the fence like they sometimes so, but also because it looks hideous and makes the fence look ugly. Whoever holds legal title is presumed to be the owner unless and until the adverse possessor can meet that burden. My cats have roamed around for 12 years and l have to laugh at my neighbour as my cats are intelligent enough to go other ways, but is she allowed to camouflage the spikes? The fence must be at least 7 ft tall. So fence spikes and a sign are more effective deterrents than using fence spikes alone. They could try a few times before realizing what theyre up against and giving up. An article from legal self-help publisher Nolo about how to resolve boundary line disputes. NOW. WebIf you are going to fix spikes to your fence, make sure the wall is yours and not shared with your neighbour. Is it legal for neighbours to put cat spikes along fence? A high and intimidating fence is one of the best intruder deterrents. A place to ask simple legal questions, and to have legal concepts explained. 3 June 2013 at 9:30AM peter_the_piper Forumite 30.2K Posts If they are happy with having spikes on the boundary wall or fence, then you are good to go. You can buy them in meter length and are glued or nailed on top of walls & fences ETC. For one, it can be awkward to approach a neighbor who you like and propose a fence. What can I put on top of fence to stop burglars? Spikes are one of the best Intruder deterrents. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Cat spikes are sharp, rubber spikes stuck to the tops of walls. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'gardenaxis_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_3',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gardenaxis_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Since cats are free to wander, they will go into your backyard, poop, and then leave. Ensure your fence is 2 meters high before you install security toppings such as Bulldog spikes. I dont think theyre supposed to be cat spikes because although we do have a cat he has never gone over to that part of the yard. "This book from Nolo is updated to include the latest procedures for small claims courts in every state. So for a neighbor to install anything on the fence, they will have to ask for permission. The laws have been outlined in detail in this cat spike analysis post. 2.) But, keeping these cats out can be more complicated than you think. My Neighbor Keeps Using My Washer and Dryer: What to Do? This section of the law specifies that you have the right of privacy for your domestic and family life, which you may claim is being abused by the owners or authorities feces. For context, I am end terrace. Any modifications and attachments can only be done by the legal owner, meaning your neighbor, even if the side of the fence is facing their house, cannot legally change anything on your fence. Your friend can legally construct a fence on a portion of his property than makes the offending fence invisible; or your friend could ignore the sign. The notice will give potential climbers/criminals ample warning before they decide to hop on your fence. Talk to your neighbours before using cat spikes, especially if you co-own a boundary wall of a fence with your neighbour. Cat spikes purchased from a store are safe to use on your fencing and boundary walls. Well then sir you are an arse, and I hope someone feels the same way when the run you or someone you love down! Is there a legal hieght before people put anti climb stuff on and how do we stand if someone gets injured from these spikes as its a shared fence Dont use carpet gripper on your fence as its not designed for such use and would not stop a burglar climbing your fence (they simply put a coat over the top of it). If you do put spikes up that are not regulated, then you might damage the cat and would technically be breaking the law if you injure a cat. Check your insurance to see if the damage is covered under the terms of the policy. If that fails send them a demand in writing to remove it, give them something like 30 days(normally seen as a responsible time frame). Pigeons or any flying animal does not bury their poo. Shop bought cat spikes are safe to use on your fences and boundary walls. (Answer Inside), Does Windex or Fabuloso Kill Roaches? Furthermore, before attaching spikes to a fence, tell your neighbor. A guide discussing issues that may arise between neighbors on topics such as fencing, trees and noise. In the 6 years I have lived in the property I have witnessed a cat stalk, pounce & drag a wood pigeons into the bushes. These spikes will allow you to keep your cat in your yard if you want to, and youll have peace of mind assured that no cat will bother your cat. Also depends how bad the spikes are - if it's to harm people then it won't stand in court. The fence is 'their' fence. A trustworthy seller of humane pet spikes will also provide you with a simple, waterproof warning sign to view. Don't have a library account? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Study what you need to know about cats and the rules before purchasing a pet repellent to keep cats out of your backyard. If you live in the city, then you will have a cat in your garden sometime this week! Also, security fence spikes, barbed wire, and razor tape are adequate security to add to your property. (And Wind Chimes). Mediation is essentially a conversation between you and your neighbor, facilitated by a trained third-party neutral. Domestic cats are considered property under the statute. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. They haven't discussed with me at all, ANYWAY, wall of text done. Therefore, anti climb spikes on top of the wall are allowed, so long as youve added a notice saying something like: Caution: danger of injury from fence spikes. I have knelt in cat feces when weeding. Theses cat spikes were about 3 inches long and sharp as a pin! My Neighbor Runs a Generator all Night (Is It Rude)? How do I start a successful handmade business? What if my cats get hurt because they couldnt see the spikes or a fox come to that. Apparently yes. If you want to stop people from climbing your fence, consider investing in a good fence. WebThis could involve adding things like double-sided tape or spikes to the top of the fence; Use scent deterrents: Certain smells are known to deter cats, so you could try spraying your fence with these scents in order to keep them away; Common deterrents include Copyright 2023 MH Sub I, LLC dba Nolo Self-help services may not be permitted in all states. However, considering the complicacy of the regulations and their variation from State to State and even in various local councils. The cats dont kill for food, they play with their prey until they get bored, leaving it dead or in the worst cases injured to such an extent that again, I have had to put these wild creatures, that I have desperately been trying to attract into my garden, out of their misery. Specially designed, humane, plastic, blunt cat spikes are the safest. This Act further states, collecting a cat and transporting it somewhere, such as away from your garden or driveway, is considered stealing, so it is best not to do so. Contact your local council for information, if there is a need to put spikes on your fence. I also have 2 dogs , the neighbour has never said she doesnt like animals ? First off don't damage their property while trying to remove it, that can get messy. It is legal advice and removing the spikes and tresspassing your lunatic prepper of a neighbor is completely legal. There was a recent study about cats that are let outdoors during the day. Make sure you check with your local council before doing any work because regulations cover fences and security toppings. OP: Do the spikes look anything like any of these? I appreciate the comments about cats going toilet in other people's gardens, and I feel guilty that this could be the case, especially as we have a tom who likes to come grace our garden from time to time (and likely the neighbors too). WebAnswer A considerate neighbor in this situation would, of course, realize the impact of her decision and consult you. How to Market Your Business with Webinars. Thank you for the really constructive and rational line of thinking. It will also stop any claims for compensation if some fool happens to jump your fence and injure themselves. This subchapter governs adverse possession in Texas, often referred to as "squatter's rights". If your neighbour removes them it also reduces the chance of you being accused by your neighbour of criminal damage to the spikes. California Civil Code Section 841.4 is an example of one such statute, stating that: "Any fence or other structure in the nature of a fence unnecessarily exceeding 10 feet in height maliciously erected or maintained for the purpose of annoying the owner or occupant of adjoining property is a private nuisance. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If they refuse, then you send them a polite, firm, letter by certified mail notifying them that they have X days to remove the spikes, at which time you will do so. Cat feces carries the same bacteria as dogs which can cause ocular toxocariasis (blindness) in young children. Press J to jump to the feed. It is illegal for anyone to put sharp spikes along boundary fences. If not they may not even be aware the fence belongs to you, if it is in the line. Texas law places the burden of proof to establish a claim of adverse possession on the trespasser. See the resources below as well as our Livestock guide for more information. 1 Is it illegal to put cat spikes on your fence? The fence is only 46 tall. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). This article from Nolo, a legal publisher, discusses how adverse possession law works in Texas. We had a big fall out and was told by the council that it was Ok for him to do this. A 1995 article from Texas A&M Real Estate Center discussing boundary disputes involving fences, buildings or billboards that may cause an obstruction for neighbors. The fence is about 7 foot high. See the resources below for more information. "If your neighbor threatened to harm your cat you should absolutely call the police," reads a reply by u/sphericalhorses. Have a good day. Share We recommend that you notify your neighbor before installing them on a wall. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'yardpit_com-leader-1','ezslot_12',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-leader-1-0');Also, buy store-bought spikes from a trusted source that uses the safe version. Who Can Claim Property Based on Adverse Possession in Texas? If your neighbours hedge is growing in width and encroaching on your space, you are entitled to trim any part of it that crosses your boundary. Cat spikes are hard plastic spikes that can be nailed on top of fences and walls, the strips are around 20/30 mm wide. They'll say the fence is shared or somesuch, you'll say no, it's not on the boundary line, they'll say it is and then boom, off you go. WebFences, appearance of: Can I paint my side of my neighbour's fence? Do Butterflies Like Hibiscus? Using statutes such as these, you could sue your neighbor for nuisance. Something else to consider is that although you can take them down, the spikes actually belong to your neighbour. Therefore, you can put spikes on your fence, if and only if it wont injure any cat attempting to climb it. So, you cant put broken glass on your fence.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'yardpit_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-yardpit_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Its outdated and can cause injury. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Today the value of assets to be protected has soared, making stronger perimeter security even more important. Is updated to include the latest procedures for small claims courts in every State of! On top of fences and boundary walls you with a simple, waterproof sign! 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