1. Nicknamed 'Cannibal' he feeds of memories from people he touches. Donna becomes a target by trying to stop an unauthorized (but profitable) archaeological dig. She isn't at all happy with this prospect. Anita Blake, the characters Average 2. Anita avoids Jean Claude during most of the book. -Kat. None of the Horsemen are trained in traditional police work, but they have to figure out who went to all the trouble to set up the crime scene before the time limit in the warrant runs out. When Edward arrives he mentions trying to set a date for his marriage. Anita takes on further lovers through the next few books, partially due to the needs of the ardeur as well as to extend protection from other vampire Masters, as seen in (Cerulean Sins) where she takes Asher as a lover in order to outmaneuver Belle Morte. The Harlequin exists to police and punish vampire leaders who violate various rules, such as Malcolm's resistance to the blood oath. Due to an injury she feeds the ardeur on Nicky and uses it to make him her slave. Marmee Noire rolls Anita for two days, causing her to have sex with two weretigers, Richard is released from the anger he inherited from Anita, but inherits his own version of the. movements. And while he has . Anita's metaphysical ties to Jean-Claude and Richard are strengthened during this battle; she "feels" his beast inside her. But in the end I'm . After the sheriff almost shoots Anita during an incident with the accused she calls in Edward for further backup, and Olaf turns up on his own accord. Someone is producing zombie porn. What happened to Jason in the Anita Blake series? Anita's faith in God, and herself as a Christian, is reaffirmed when she faces down a demon with prayer and Bible recitation. Because now, Anita is like a fire - consuming everything she touches, soaking up every kind of power and lyncanthrope strain she comes into contact with. Anita also appears in the Marvel Comics/Dabel Brothers adaptation of Guilty Pleasures. J.J. is his lady love, an old flame from childhood who dances at one of the top ballet companies in New York. Later, Anita gets empowered as a Federal Marshal, which broadens the range of her responsibilities but also makes her job easier in many ways. Anita goes to the hospital to comfort her. 1. i. Despite her troubled romantic history, Anita is capable of loving deeply and passionately. That drinking in her darkness wouldnt make me evil, too.". The golden tigers were the power of the sun to bring life to the earth made flesh. The first novel, Guilty Pleasures, introduces Anita and her world. 2. i. Walking into a backyard full of cops and their families with wereleopards Micah and Nathaniel both looking gorgeous on her arm wont be easy, even with almost-four-year-old Matthew Vespucci to break the ice. However, under Vittorio's influence, Blake is once again forced to have sex with several were-tigers, one of which is a sixteen-year-old boy and virgin. One way or another the dead multiply. Meanwhile Anita also has to deal with the fragile ego of the ancient vampire Asher, whose jealous behavior threatens the physical and emotional well-being of all around him. Afterwards, when politicians take over and there isn't more for Anita to do, she goes off to a hotel with Domino to feed the ardeur in order to gain some of her strength back. Anita and Richard form a vampire triumvirate with Jean Claude, accepting the first three "marks". Jason suggests that J.J. might be able to help Anita with her girl problem, while she helps him with his kinky explanations. Her tentative relationship with Asher is also on hold and potentially over, as he is sent away to potentially become the Master of a different city due to him attacking her out of jealousy. Anita, Micah and Jean-Claude also act as a happy threesome, but she doubts that happiness can last long. 5.3: My only exposure to the universe of Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter is the comics, but apparently one of the key selling points of the setting is the way that supernatural creatures like vampires are treated in a more realistic fashion as it relates to the law. Anita Katerine Blake is the heroine and the narrator of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series of novels, short stories, and comics by Laurell K. Hamilton. This method of thinking, as of The Harlequin, has resulted in the injection of a rare feline lycanthropy to combat a recent infection due to attack. Only its worse than she thought. The only part of the series she hasn't appeared in this far is the short story Selling Houses. I swam in the darkness of the ocean on a raft of hands, and bodies, and giving a damn what happened to them all. Jason Schuyler is one of Anita Blake's best friends and favorite werewolves, with benefits. The irony of Anita Blake lamenting that someone else did not take action is staggering. "[11] The white tiger is "completely white. Ultimately, Anita realizes that Richard's desire to remain "nice" and "normal" had placed himself and the others in even more danger, and she runs to Jean-Claude, who is at least able to protect himself from danger. Make Buffy a willing warrior to defend humanity, and the preternatural, from threats. Average 6. What genre is the Anita Blake series? Anita Blake is a preternatural expert in both zombie animation and vampire slaying. To Anita's shock, she discovers that "Ted" has a fiancee, Donna, who is a new age bookstore owner. Micah, who appears willing to accommodate any desire of Anita's, becomes part of a mnage trois with Jean-Claude, allowing Jean-Claude to feed on him. In the debriefing after the fight, Anita tries to find out where Alex's rage came from: he doesn't know. Bernardo is almost choked to death. Anita has to catch the ones responsible before this tale of two killers meets a violent and bloody end. ", Anita's inner leopard is completely black, and described as "gleaming black" and being like a "dark shadow. This power causes the official end of Anita's relationship with Richard after she is forced to feed off of him, although she still serves as the lupa and punisher of the St Louis wolf pack. She was a Chaste Hero who moved among the various vampires, werewolves, fairies, other were-animals, etc. That's not character growth, that's character decline. Despite this, Anita's magical bonds with the two are further strengthened throughout the series and Anita is still considered to be the "lupa" or female leader of the pack despite her relationship issues with Richard. When the danger and the news coverage hit a climax at the same time, Anita and Jason are left carefully maneuvering around truck loads of drama and politics, not to mention just trying to survive. (In The Laughing Corpse, she is upset that no one protects the niece and nephew of John Burke at their father's funeral when their mother is hysterical and throws herself on the coffin). This means that she is not just an Animator, with power over dead bodies, but a necromancer, with power over all the (un)dead. Even after becoming a licensed vampire executioner, Anita considers herself first and foremost an animator. "[13] It is large compared to Anita's inner leopard. The formation of the second triumvirate allows Anita's powers to develop to where she has the ability to raise an entire cemetery without the use of human sacrifice. Late in the series, she comes to accept her unconventional relationship as well as her own emerging bisexuality, although she cannot bring herself to have sex with a woman if a man is not in bed with them (however she did kiss Echo without any of her male paramours nearby in Crimson Death.). Blake is ofOld English origin and its meaning is "black; pale, white". Marianne and her pack's Ulfric, Verne, begin teaching Anita how to be a better leader of the wereleopards. In the short story "Dancing" she describes herself as being 5'3 inches tall, as well as in Laughing Corpse, Ch. The more battles they fight - against others and within their little triumvirate - the more powerful Anita becomes. question them for legal purposes. The weretigers are very powerful in Las Vegas, which means the odds of her rubbing someone important the wrong way just got a lot higher. The extended family includes at least Aunt Mattie, Grandmother Blake, Grandmother Flores, great-aunt Katerine, who died when Anita was a small child, great-uncle Otto, who is also dead but Anita still remembers his accent, and great-aunt Gertrude, who reportedly nagged Uncle Otto to death. Anita brings in a guard of wereanimals: Ares, Nicky, Domino, etc. Olaf is taken off to the hospital. She doesn't know how she did it or how to stop it, but manages to break the spell by praying to God to help her undo whatever she did. The accused doesn't get to see freedom, however, as the probable mastermind behind the whole thing somehow goads him into attacking her assumed partner in crime through the bars of his cell, and Anita and Olaf have to take him out anyway. Anita has a pregnancy scare in (Danse Macabre), as the ardeur's control over her made it difficult to consistently use birth control during each feeding. Anita acquires a new power from the vampire Obsidian Butterfly, the first instance of her picking up a power from a vampire. Anita meets other lycanthropes, including Raina and Gabriel, and learns more about werewolf culture while resolving these issues. "[10] The black tiger is completely black "like a black leopard, with stripes showing only in bright light. Who ends up with Anita Blake? The power felt so good, and yet I knew I was draining the life out of two people, evil vampires, but still people. And given the brutality of the kill, the son of a bitch is just warming up. Anita is also pulled further into the lycanthrope world when she discovers the local wereleopards need her to take their former leader's place as protector. She takes along an entourage that includes both Damian and Nathaniel, but not a single wererat. Unlike most animators, Anita is also held in retainer as a preternatural consultant for the Regional Preternatural Investigation Taskforce, which handles crimes involving magic, vampires, lycanthropes, and other preternatural creatures. Jean Claude was sired due to his beauty, and so . He wants her under his conditions. Because the viruses counteract one another this would result in an infection-free blood test. Anita meets and has sex (involuntarily, thanks to Vittorio) for the first time with. She and they succeed at decapitating some of the minor vampires who have not yet risen; it is not quite dusk. Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Tough 7. Assassins are coming to St. Louis to kill them all. One Hypothesis about Chimera's panwere status is that because he was infected by multiple forms of lycanthropy before his first change, he thus developed the transformative abilities of each virus; though this directly contrasts the medical procedure of deliberate infection used in The Harlequin. A hardcover compilation of the first six issues has been released with a new Anita flashback short story written by Hamilton. Blake is known to be carrying between four and five strains of the lycanthropy virus. In the book Anita almost allows the Mother of Darkness to become a full flesh being by allowing her anger to fester. Anita Blake: The Men in Her Life, Part 1 Easier 3. Newman signs the warrant over to Anita eventually to make sure he doesn't have to be the one to do it, since he knows the man and is convinced of his innocence and is losing his taste for the whole preternatural marshal gig in general. A number of complications to her attempts to repair this damage arise: Anita helps Damian to regain his sanity, assuming her position as Damian's master and rendering him the first "vampire servant" in centuries. The Harlequin shows Anita and Jean Claude coping with a threat from Vampire Council enforcers. Because of this, there are plenty of Anita Blake quotes that are very applicable to real life Read more Anita cuddles with Nicky while talking on the phone to Edward who is warning her about Olaf. ", "You don't volunteer for slugfests with vampires, it shortens your life expectency. This plot element is further complicated in Affliction after Jean Claude and Blake bring Asher back home because they and several others miss him as well as because Asher has been purposely alienating people in each city he visited. Neither of them wants to be monogamous, so what could go wrong? One of the Harlequin injured Nicky and Olaf badly but they are able to recuperate. The themes of complex relationships and increasing power are continued in subsequent books in the series. It is comprised of very old and powerful vampires who are capable of not just manipulating the behaviors and emotions of humans or younger vampires and lycanthropes, but of Jean-Claude, Anita, and Richard. Later in the series Anita becomes increasingly entrenched among the ranks of monsters and distanced from regular humans, although she continues struggling with the concept. Because she can only give "her" lion to a werelion, this brings her into more contact with the local werelion pride. During this time, Anita is frequently visited and harassed by Marmee Noir, the Mother of All Darkness that has been sleeping for years. They recover in time to face off with the remaining members in Malcolm's Church of Eternal Life. Anita is surprised that feeding on the Master of the City allows them to feed on his vampires and wereanimals as well. Embarrassed, Anita's father asked her maternal grandmother, Grandmother Flores, to teach Anita how to "turn off" her abilities. The series takes place in a parallel world in which supernatural characters like vampires and werewolves exist alongside regular humans, with Blake's jobs including the re-animation of the dead as well as the hunting and executing of supernatural creatures (mostly vampires) that have broken the law. Average 5. In the end, the vampire marks are removed and Jean Claude admits that Anita is not his human servant. They learn that the source behind the rotting zombies is Morte D'Amour, who was presumed dead but took some of Marmee Noire's power into him, her necromancy. Meredith "Merry" Gentry is the protagonist of an eponymous fantasy series by US writer Laurell K. Hamilton, best known for her other fantasy series Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter.Since 2000, she has been alternating between the two series, publishing nine Merry Gentry novels as of 2014. Anita is later infected with werehyena strain. The love triangle between Anita, Richard, and Jean Claude continues in this book. Diana Jane said: I'm not really sure how this will end up, I guess that's why I love the series so much, however I was thinking that. Of course guards are needed, which include Nicky, Dev, Domino, Bram, Ares & Lissandro. Anita receives a phone call of Micah's distressed mother, asking her to please come visit, because his father, Rush Callahan, is dying. Legally, Newman has to kill the accused by that time, even without knowing whether he has actually done anything wrong. (plus the year each book was published) Home. I like the main characters professional competence and general badassery, cruelty/gore, that she rescues others more then she need a knight in shining armor and that men are allowed to be sexual objects. She resists changing shape by "giving her beast" to a lycanthrope. The latest books have gone nowhere, they haven't brought the . First of all: The Aug. 9 season finale is three hours long, the episode's preview footage shows footage of Katie's loved ones arriving at the resort and clips of her talking to Justin. Enjoy our anita blake quotes collection by famous authors. Blake practices Christianity and is currently of the Episcopal faith, having left Catholicism since the Catholic Church has excommunicated all animators. Tag Archives: Werejaguars About the book, Author. Long-dead characters and plot points are, if not literally resurrected, at least mentally . Anita initially resists, but becomes angry enough with Jean Claude to tell Mr Oliver. Before Alex gets there, Anita forms a bond with a guard named Ethan who says he carries three colors of tiger, but Anita senses he has some gold as well. Her Maternal Grandmother taught her how to control her abilities, but seeing how powerful Anita was, encouraged Anita's dad to raise her as a Christian instead of vaudun. Agent Elise Damitz brings Anita in on a serial cold case that spans over three decades, and the first new murder in five years. The only part of the series she hasn't appeared in this far is the short story Selling Houses. This makes it impossible for Anita to separate herself from Richard or Jean-Claude, which is further exacerbated when Anita breaks her engagement with Richard and becomes Jean-Claude's lover after watching Richard eat Marcus and transform into his wolf form. "There's no end planned." Hamilton told I . Her role as Larry's mentor is also further developed and she is forced to relive the trauma of her mother's death. Anita and Richard have their first date in this book. Luckily, in professional circles, shes still the go-to expert for zombie issues. The Laughing Corpse Anita is contacted by a representative of Humans First, a rival master vampire named Mr Oliver, and Edward: all want to know the identity and daytime resting place of the Master of the City. Since the series is not set in a specific year, Guilty Pleasures is year 0, and the timeline counts from there to either direction. Anita breaks his wrist in the hugging, drawing weapons and disarming scene that attends this meeting. As a result of her growing powers Anita manages to overpower the extremely old and very strong vampire force named the Harlequin that was sent after her in The Harlequin, but only after having to feed off of the leaders of the various lycanthrope groups in St Louis in order to heal the others in her group and supply them with power. In the first novel we learn she'd killed fourteen vampires before the series began, most of them with an actual stake and a hammer, with at least some of those likely to be morgue stakings. Richard, with his desperate attempts to remain "human", represents the side of Anita that rebels against the "darker" elements of her nature, while Jean-Claude, who has long accepted his demons and draws his powers from death, represents the part of her that accepts them. They chop off one of Ethan's fingers but he is a were animal he will be able to grow it back. Anita & Micah learn upon their arrival that Rush has been bitten by a rotting zombie. Another hypothesis is that Chimera had somehow contracted a mutation (or caused the mutation) of the virus allowing all others to coexist without nullifying one another. . She discovers that her lengthy separation has caused significant damage to several of her friends and allies, both emotionally and also in terms of their supernatural powers. Anita plays along for lack of better ideas. In the first novel (Guilty Pleasures) Anita receives her first marks from the vampire Jean-Claude and begins to gain advanced healing powers and abilities. Anita acquires a magical mentor, the Wiccan. During college she raised a professor who had killed himself-her roommate moved out the next day. Power Mimicry: "It was almost as if the more often I was used by, or borrowed magic from, someone else, the more likely it became that their magic would become part of my arsenal." It causes Anita to metaphysically marry a clan tiger, fulfilling the prophecy, and makes her the true heir of the Mother of All Darkness and the Father of the Dawn. Anita also obtains her apprentice, Larry Kirkland. Katerine derives from the Greek nameKatherine, meaning "pure". in her world, solving crimes and kicking ass. At the end of the book it is revealed that Richard is a werewolf. She shows little pity or remorse in killing vampires or lycanthropes she considers dangerous, even those who break down and cry right in front of her. Given that Anita keeps thinking that Dr. Ellen doesn't quite manage to live up to Anita's standards, and that Dr. Ellen with her more vanilla tastes is inherently incapable of comprehending polyamory or BDSM, this isn't very surprising. Cyrus, who is bigger than Matthew but not necessarily older, has a crush on Jeannette, and resents Matthew for the attention he's getting. 1. Jean Claude and Anita determine that the ardeur is "seeking" food: specifically it may have shaped Anita's, Micah's, Nathaniel's, and Damian's personalities to make them more compatible partners for one another. Once upon a time, there was a necromancer / animator /vampire executioner living in The Unmasqued World. Where are Anita, mami, mundin, grandparents and Lucinda staying? Though she was born with a natural talent for animation and raised . Edward doesn't actually kill a Harlequin, Anita does through a psychic link that she accidentally creates while trying to remove a sort of vampire spell that one of the Harlequin has put on her in order to keep track of her and Jean Claude's etc. Literature /. She also unearths a new power when the busy schedule makes her neglect her eating despite knowing how vital it is to keep her energy levels up. Buffy must be born in Anita-verse. Although Nathaniel and Micah appear to accept or want Anita as their only lover, Anita reluctantly agrees to accept Richard's decision to date other people, and allows Jean-Claude to begin feeding his lust from others, at least psychically. At the end of the novel, Anita has yet to physically shift into any one form of lycanthrope. While in college, her rich fiancee's parents convinced him to break their engagement because Anita's mother was Mexican. Two weeks later she is kidnapped by two werelions named Jacob and Nicky, members of a pride hired by Tony Bennington to force her into raising his wife by threatening to kill Micah, Jason and Nathaniel. Anita accepts Micah as her lover and Nimir-Raj. Anita's inner werewolf is "pale, white and cream" with "dark markings like a saddle across its back and head. 'Im not like you,' I thought. A blood test reveals that Anita carries four strains of lycanthropy: wolf, leopard, lion, and one unknown strain. Anita Blake is the title and viewpoint character of the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamilton. She is nearly killed by another vampire; her "closing" of the marks with Jean-Claude and Richard has weakened her abilities, making her more vulnerable to metaphysical attacks. In Cerulean Sins, Anita assists the police in tracking a lycanthrope serial killer. She lets him kiss her, and her inner lioness still likes him a lot as a potential mate, although Anita manages to convey the message that Olaf might be a 'cub-killer', which curbs the inner lioness' enthusiasm a bit. All About Jason--an Anita Blake Character . She frequently displays concern for innocents and victims and has a profound sense of loyalty to her friends, even to the point of compromising her ordinary morals. Damian is raped and everyone is okay with it. Richard and his new fiance, Dr. Ellen Radborne (who bears significant outward resemblance to Anita but has considerably more vanilla tastes), arrange a Saturday lunch meeting in a public setting with the three of them and Micah. Even Edward comes to the conclusion that if they don't kill Olaf soon, Anita might need to suck it up and actually sleep with him, and that that might not be the worst idea ever, after all. Once on the ground Anita kills Ares, but a bullet that went through him, hit her, making her gain hyena. It's a race against the time and the letter of law, and Olaf, in addition to being his usual creepy but highly capable self, keeps freaking out Anita by being unexpectedly reasonable and accommodating in his attempts at getting to have consensual sex with her. She is able to resist the mental influence of, Triumvirate Member: Anita is a member of a "triumvirate" with Jean-Claude and her additional love interest, Vampire Powers: The combination of her necromancy and her membership in the triumvirate has caused Anita to develop a series of powers formerly seen only in Vampires, which includes the, Vampire Marks: In the Anita Blake world Master Vampires can create mystic link with a human or with an animal to call. During this book Anita also contracts several strains of lycanthropy after being injured by a wereleopard and Chimera, the split personality of Orlando King, a lycanthrope hunter. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. July 29, 2022 by Tonya Fillion. Anita Meets another 'living' vampire who is a member of the Vegas SWAT team. "Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly." - Mary Howitt, The Spider and the Fly (1829) SYNOPSIS The first in the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series, Guilty Pleasures presents itself as an inversion of the traditional vampire hunter narrative. Anita's . However, The Harlequin appears not to be following its own rules, so by vampire law Jean-Claude's people can strike back. Although Dr. Ellen must be quite open-minded (or deeply in denial) to have reached the fianc stage in their relationship despite being aware that Richard tops both Anita and Asher and donates blood to Jean-Claude, actually meeting Anita for the first time triggers an inferiority complex and unearths previously buried prejudices towards their lifestyle choices. Anita uses her connection to J-C and Nathaniel and Richard, but especially the power of Ethan and Domino who together give her all the colors of tigers to suck the energy out of Marmee Noir. Anita is kidnapped by the Harlequin, along with Lisandro, Bernardo and Ethan. There is little description of it as it hides within her and has small beady black eyes. Marshal who can raise zombies with the best of them. Anita's relationship with Jean-Claude takes a large step forward in this novel. A professor who had killed himself-her roommate moved out the next day battle she. Jean-Claude also act as a happy threesome, but not a single wererat viruses one. Is one of Ethan 's fingers but he is a new Anita flashback story... That went through him, hit her, making her gain hyena Pleasures, introduces Anita and Jean during. Giving her beast '' to a lycanthrope serial killer not yet risen ; is... Plot points are, if not literally resurrected, at least mentally childhood who dances at of... 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