Once you have done that, re-create the Shared folder in the Synology UI. Did you have any issue with high memory usage on the Synology NAS docker container? On synology install add-on "phpmyadmin" and you'll be able to explore database. While we do our best to provide accurate, useful information, we make no guarantee that our viewers will achieve the same level of success. Ive edited the configuration.yaml file and specified zwave: We will install Home Assistant using Virtual Machine Manager. Am I looking in the wrong place? Home Assistant is a free, open source program for Home Automation. I cant see any problems, except maybe the network not coming across. Any creative ideas on how to automate this? This should allow the UI to see the files. This will ensure the container gets as many permissions as possible to the host machine, which may include the rw permissions it needs to the Z-wave USB. Once your Z-wave radio is plugged in, we need to find out the path to the radio. Now open your browser andtype in http://Synology-ip-address:8123Choose Name, Username, Password and Confirm Password then click CREATE ACCOUNT. Anything would be helpful . some sort of HA automation sequence that starts the other service and stops it? 14. Ive never had to worry about dialout groups on Synology. 2) I have a few docker containers that need to restart for various reasons. In the Schedule tab, Select Run on the following date (make sure It's today's date). But as I understand it is necessary to use your recommendations for Xiaomi BLE sensors (Clear Temperature ). We can still use the convenient Docker GUI in Synology this way! You can set up Home Assistant on a Synology NAS relatively easily in Docker, however, there are a bunch of benefits to installing the supervised version. You basically map a folder on your NAS to a folder in the Docker container. This worked, thanks! The synology NAS hit its CPU limit first as they don't have 'that' powerful processors in the home consumer versions, where as you can throw an i7 in the PC. Are you specifying privileged in your docker run? Just be sure to use that in your Home Assistant config file when telling Home Assistant where your USB path is. In a nutshell, well be using Docker to create a virtual machine (called a container). brilliant blog nice tutorials and inspiration thanks for sharing! This is one of the flags you cant set when using the Docker DSM UI. Your tutorial seems very clear. cmd : python -m homeassistant config /config, Once you click on User-defined script a new window will open. Note: Best Practices When Using Docker and DDNS. Thanks for the link to this info. You could use this to trigger a Home Assistant restart, or send you a notification. 1. If I try the SSH command-line as you outlined above will I be able to see it in the Synology NAS Docker manager (start/stop it)? I also believe I originally tried this, and it didnt work. However, I guess as its a lock its probably a good thing that it requires you to re-link, incase of a security breach. I had to use sudo -i after logging as admin. In this case, because there are extra things like net=host being used, the DSM UI just wont work on some versions of DSM. FATA[0000] Error: failed to remove one or more images, Damn, so I guess its not a cache issue then. If youre having issues getting the Docker package to start, check your network settings. Disabling the OpenVPN network connection, and then starting Docker should work. (Ive tried both through GUI and CLI) The worst part was even after correcting the config.xml path in Docker, the lock STILL didnt work. But sounds like that should work too. So, I have enough ports and will wait and see if I ever need more and then just try , I realize this is a bit of an old thread, but figured it would be the best place to ask.. Def have to spend more than a week down here! Im very curious to see different components you described in your posts. Hopefully its still the same in the latest versions. Very strange. When you perform your docker run command, the user youre SSHd in as will determine who the container runs as. I am using SigmaC FTDI (FTDI FT232R USB UART Type in the IP Address of your NAS, and the port number specified when you enabled SSH above (default is 22). , I was able to migrate the raspberry pi hass.io configuration to the Synology installation and most things worked right away. sudo chmod g+rw /dev/ttyACM0. I have a Rasperry Pi 4 with SSD running Home Assistant OS. If not, I would take a look at your home-assistant.log, and see if that is being rewritten to a lot. Follow the instructions in the image below. Thanks for your helps. I discovered that those path are valid temporarily, the path in the default directory is the right path where the certificates are stored every time. And with the new Shortcuts app launched as part of iOS 12, additional opportunities are opening up. Schedule: Select Run on the following date then select "Do not repeat". 2. 4. Well need to enable this option, as it will enable us to access more areas of the Synology from the file manager. I am wondering if the Synology is looking for container name home-assistant with abc123, but when you update it via the CLI the ID changes, so home-assistant is now xyz987 and it has no idea what to do about it. This may give you some clues s to whats going on. Ive been using Home Assistant on my Synology for a few months now. If that still doesnt work, then I would check did you create the Shared directory from the Synology UI? If you want to add cameras from Surveillance Station, the user needs application permission for Surveillance Station. All other commands are then just simple docker commands, which havent changed since I posted this. Theres usually a new release of Home Assistant out every 2 weeks. Do you use a script (if yes, please share) or shut down the docker service entirely? Have you got the Synology firewall enabled, which might be blocking Docker from communicating outside of your network? Unfortunately the DSM docker UI can be a bit hit or miss. Then its a simple Settings->Import on Container screen. su - root. They were in the home folder. Would I have to create that folder manually first? Hi Tried the command, and this is what I got: docker rmi homeassistant/home-assistant:latest Hi Phil, Follow the instructions in the images below. Eventually Id have wanted to create a scheduled task for DSM to run the Certbot docker, and place the certificates into Home Assistant and reboot HASS. I think theres a lot of Docker + Windows issues that could potentially cause this. Always ensure you check twice before executing any dangerous commands. Any idea how to get it working on the rear USBs as I dont really want it stuck in the front? HA lets you control and access your smart home devices on the local . I havent used it myself, but have recently heard about Portainer. This post was updated on Tuesday / February 21st, 2023 at 3:27 PM, Support my work Marius Bogdan Lixandru mariushosting Is the Ideal Resource for Sysadmins & NAS Geeks Copyright 2019 2023 All Rights Reserved. Go toFile Stationand open the docker folder. Adding Network UPS Tools (NUT) to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by using this My button: Network UPS Tools (NUT) can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. If youve used a flag like net=host or something (which isnt supported by the UI) then DSM may hide it from the UI so you dont break the container. Think i just found the problemi have to find an alternative service i guess The Dockerfile from Home Assistant will automatically install the Z-wave libraries for us. Ooooh! By the way, you should ad the udev rule mapping to your tutorial to make it easier for newer users . Thats what I thought. Ive connected a (known-working) BT device to the Syno, and fired up the container. My solution was to move off the NAS to an old nettop PC I had around. I just took a look at my instance of HASS running on my Synology, and memory is at 0% CPU between 1% and 3%. Youll need to create a new container to run on 0.61. You need to add the following piece of text in you config file exported from the GUI: If so you can specify the tag at the end, so instead of. Synology version is 6.1.7. In my experience, it is usually something like /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0. If not Im sure Google will be able to find the path. /volume1/docker/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data Im considering starting completely fresh by deleting all instances (and docker) and starting over. I was able to create the folder volume1dockerhomeassistantconfig and use that. First, ensure that your NAS supports Virtual Machine Manager. [ 74.620877] usb 1-2: Detected FT232RL I did manage to upgrade Home Assistant all through the DSM Docker GUI (after initial setup following your guide above). However, changing ports is worth a try! When I plug the device into my NAS, it appears to be showing up as /dev/ttyACM0 which Ive seen several people mention is the address that theirs shows up as. From your SSH window, run the following command. Good point about the path needing to exist! Thanks for the heads up and info where to put the options.xml file! 4. ], Ive installed HA and looking at the help section because when I try to add a Z-Wave device using Add Node I get an error Failed to call service zwave/addnode. I personally thought the udev mapping was a bit overkill. After Home Assistant is finished preparing, create an account. So, HomeKIt allows voice control of your devices, but Home Assistant is the brains behind your smart home that does the heavy lifting. Configure the Scheduled Task. Original version also do not start (Its my oponion I renamed to home assistant-old). Nothing helps. Elijha, see my comment above Phils regarding the GUI export. 2. @philhawthorne:disqus do you think a udev rule on the host could help with the loss of Z-Wave USB after rebooting? I have disabled firewall, switched to google dns servers (as someone recommended) and changed my mtu to 1500.. nothing is helping.. Also tried specifying :latest or :0.65.1 and that did not help either.. Unfortunately Im away at the moment so cant get the name of it. Configuration. It is always something as simple as that! --device The magic flag that will link the USB Radio into the Home Assistant machine/container. Select your User Account in the bottom left. What is the advantage of MySQL/Maria over the built in database? Im not sure if Synology have pushed an update out, or if it was just Murphys Law by me posting the article. It seems to have more configuration options. Note: How to Free Disk Space on Your NAS if You Run Docker. 3. What are you using to generate the SSL certificates? You can create a scheduled task to restart the Home Assistant container every day at 3am if you wish. The above command should show you any USB devices plugged into your NAS. Follow the instructions in the image below. Ive added a note for that , If you are using secure Z-wave devices (ex: Locks), you will need to add a Network Key to options.xml file, and map this. It offers the advantages of HA OS (see above) but you get full liberty in managing the OS. [ 74.613394] ftdi_sio 1-2:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected Do NOT use the Home Assistant DSM package that is floating out there, it is not a supported installation method and you will have a lot of trouble getting things set up. 2) I currently have my Synology NAS set to RAID over the harddrives. 5. Select Import from OVA files, then select Next. I must say, I find it strange that a piece of software like Home Assistant is so troublesome.. You can leave the settings as default (or customize the CPU/Memory if youd like) and then select Next. It is a management UI you can run from within Docker to manage other docker containers. Whatever you choose to use, the folder must exist before you will be able to start Home Assistant. DSM will walk you through the process of setting up the one-time password for this user which youll then be able to use in Home Assistants frontend configuration screen. Entities reporting the current network transfer rates of the NAS. This is related to the fact that utilization information is stored in the core module. Fantastic! Can i give the container access to /dev/zwaveusbstick ? To perform the docker commands in this blog post, you must use the root user from SSH. I can start and stop Home assistant from terminal., Although now Im having trouble with ingress producing bad gateway errorsgrrrr. Any ideas? Which just caused more problems with HA components. Switching it to host, fixed the problem. Thats quite strange. As long as you specify a name in your docker run command, you shouldnt really run into multiple instances, as the name must be unique. You can set up a ; @home-assistant rename Awesome new title Change the title of the issue. MySQL is a database server (I run it in its own container), so theres no overheads for Home Assistant to worry about. I think this still wont allow for hibernation to happen because the container itself is still running on Volume1. Point the location where your certificate files are stored in your Synology directly in your configuration.yaml. 1. ;). For a quick start with Home Assistant on Docker in Synology, download my DSM Docker settings file for 0.63.2 here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1a-Xm3b6yCgKw0JP_Une8Fo20hzGST2AK This already has the localtime mapped, the Timezone set, the USB device mapped, etc. My ultimate goal is really just to let the HDDs hibernate more often. I can then edit it and import it again. Glad you got it sorted! -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config Here were creating a folder on our NAS to keep the Home Assistant configuration files. That might be a solution. Do you have your config posted anywhere by chance I can browse over? Entities reporting status, total size (TB), used size (TB), % of volume used, average disk temperature and maximum disk temperature for each volume inside the NAS. For some reason its only showing me the last 2 containers, so when an update is performed (following this guide), it only shows the old two versions and not the latest one. sudo they will work on DSM 6. Adding Synology DSM to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user You seem to be quite knowledgeable about this so Im hoping you can help me figure it out. Again, this is a vm on your Synology. Hi, I dont really have any pure Z/Wave devices, I have either deliberately chosen HomeKit-compatible devices or devices that I can integrate into HomeKit through HomeBridge. icon: mdi:wrench This will be your z-wave USB Radio. Then, rename the Shared the folder to something else using. https://philhawthorne.com/ha-dockermon-use-home-assistant-to-monitor-start-or-stop-docker-containers/. Ohh, wait Instead, if youd like to use the Bluetooth device tracker, you can use the following flag to give Home Assistant access to that device. Ive seen references to it being a logging issue, but Ive followed the recommendations for that (I think) and it hasnt gone away. I started looking into it. Home Assistant with Z-wave Radio wont start after NAS Reboot Andrey, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config homeassistant/home-assistant, sudo docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config homeassistant/home-assistant, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 homeassistant/home-assistant, sudo docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 homeassistant/home-assistant, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb homeassistant/home-assistant, sudo docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host --privileged -itd-v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config --device /dev/ttyUSB0 -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb homeassistant/home-assistant, Run Home Assistant Docker without Z-Wave (DSM 5), Run Home Assistant Docker without Z-Wave (DSM 6), -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config, Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave (DSM 5), Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave (DSM 6), Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave and Bluetooth (DSM 5), Run Home Assistant Docker with Z-Wave and Bluetooth (DSM 6), docker rename home-assistant home-assistant-old, docker run --name home-assistant --restart=always --net=host -itd -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config homeassistant/home-assistant, Installing Home-Assistant.io on a Synology Diskstation NAS, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/philhawthorne_black.png, https://philhawthorne.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/home-assistant-all-cover-min.jpg, J.A.R.V.I.S inspired announcement/greeting for Home Assistant, Automating your shopping list with Home Assistant and Grocy, Breaking down Presence Detection with Home Assistant, Making music follow you around the home with Home Assistant and Sonos, HA-Dockermon Use Home Assistant to monitor, start or stop Docker Containers, Setting up a local Mosquitto server using Docker for MQTT Communication Phil Hawthorne, https://home-assistant.io/docs/ecosystem/hass-configurator/, https://community.home-assistant.io/t/simplistic-configuration-ui/10175/147, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d6c71e2d595fbe7883fd6f258e498fdb62a5ff86f4d91b0159a7f20b32632ee6.jpg, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f921593daa70daacbbbf09038a7ca3fc03720ada8c5803dc22f6433988c72927.jpg, https://drive.google.com/open?id=1a-Xm3b6yCgKw0JP_Une8Fo20hzGST2AK, https://gist.github.com/soccerob/8d8ba635c09f8e94e5a0d8db609ac4e6, https://philhawthorne.com/ha-dockermon-use-home-assistant-to-monitor-start-or-stop-docker-containers/, https://gist.github.com/frenck/32b4f74919ca6b95b30c66f85976ec58, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtqgvoheXGQ, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3918e856bf2553e9ba29e63900902d12253351a33f49f649ebcb24afef7199aa.png, https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/82b3284778356b22f2d6f688d21d287ff902c33a2fd770a443a6b516bca94bf6.png, Login to your Synology NAS from a browser, using the. Of course, wed also need to enable the Bluetooth tracker in Home Assistant, so wed add the following to our Home Assistant configuration. Theres a few things you should be familiar with before we get into the nitty-gritty of this. It seems like whenever an invalid key is tried, the lock will refuse to work again with the controller for security reasons? I moved away from a z-wave USB to a Vera hub. Is there any reason for this? Mapping is probably not the issue. I cant understand what is correct You will be able to see them in the Docker UI of Synology. The uptime sensor is disabled by default. I would first close down all of your docker containers with docker stop. Select your location and the unit type youd like to use, then select Next. My trip into Z-Wave was triggered by a project to control a sun screen, for which no HomeKit solutions exist. it will be shown as Discovered, which you can select to set it up right If an instance was found, it will be shown as "Discovered", which you can select to set it up right away. Then I realized that my indentation was off in the yaml. However, it doesnt come up using the command above. volume_bindings : [ If youre still using the built in SQL lite database, I found that to be very very slow. Oh excellent! Not sure what would cause it. I have uncommented http in configuration.yaml For everyone who is interested in running a Home-assistant in docker with SSL this solution worked for me at a DS 1515+. A question on your hardware: EDIT: Disregard.. Home Assistant has an official Dockerfile. Sensors ( Clear Temperature ) any problems, except maybe the network not coming across allow for hibernation happen... Issue with high memory usage on the Synology UI Docker run command, user. 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